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Erik Ramos
Java and Erlang Integrator
Universidad Tecnológica de la Mixteca

Erik is a full time teacher of the Universidad Tecnológica de la Mixteca. He has used Erlang for 1 year,  his main interest is to allow the integration between Java and Erlang, and finally he hopes to work on Erlang with mobile devices.

Erik Ramos is Giving the Following Talks
Development of a Distributed System Applied to Teaching and Learning

The emergence of networked computers has originated new technologies to teach and to learn, particularly, the technology of learning management systems.  We have applied Erlang to deal with the concurrent part of a distributed system to support teaching and learning tasks. We have also employed declarative programming together with some formal tools to elaborate the specification and the conceptual model of the system and some extreme programming techniques to deal with some issues of software development. We show how Erlang supports the transition from the specification to the implementation, and the whole concurrent and computational process of our distributed system.