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Jan Lehnardt
CouchDB committer and evangelist
CouchDB Ltd

Jan Lehnardt is CouchDB's chief evangelist and a director of CouchDB Ltd. where he consults for major industry players. Jan's has spoken about CouchDB at conferences such as O'Reilly's OSCON and QCon, as well as groups like the BBC's web development team.

Jan Lehnardt is Giving the Following Talks
Keynote: CouchDB

This talk shows what it takes to become a CouchDB developer. We'll show you how to find you way around the sources and write your first patch. We'll explain what you need to do to contribute your patch to the open source project. Our Tour de Source explains the general architecture and shows areas that need work that you could then pick up. Contributing to a high profile open source project looks good on your resumé and leads to all sorts of happiness. Erlang knowledge required.