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László Lövei
RefactorErl Developer
Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest

László Lövei is a researcher assistant at the Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest, Hungary, his research field is semantic analysis of functional languages. He has been working with Erlang since 2005, and currently he is the leading developer of RefactorErl.

László Lövei is Giving the Following Talks
Automated Module Interface Upgrade

During the lifetime of a software product the interface of some used library modules might change in such a way that the new interface is no longer compatible with the old one.
This paper proposes a generic interface migration schema to automatically transform the software in the case of such an incompatible change. The solution is based on refactoring techniques and data flow analysis, and makes use of a formal description of the differences between the old and the new interfaces.
The approach is illustrated with a real-life example.