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Piotr Nosek
XMPP Expert and MongooseIM lead Developer
Erlang Solutions

Since joining ESL in 2011, Piotr has been focused on all aspects of  XMPP, including web integration, mobile applications, refactoring of ejabberd and load testing. His latest task included the Erlang Central chat functionality launched in Erlang Factory live stream pages and soon available in the Erlang Central Cafe. The challenge there was integrating MongooseIM's authentication system with Wordpress.

In private life lasagna is his second love (the first one has beautiful red hair). He also likes looking at the world through his camera lens.

Twitter: @get_cookie

Piotr Nosek is Giving the Following Talks
Mongoose - Citizen of the World (Wide Web)

MongooseIM is an Erlang-based implementation of the XMPP server. It provides a base platform for building messaging systems and has been successfully deployed and used for serving millions of online users. Talk will explain MongooseIM and how it fits into the modern Web. After this, I will describe the ways in which MongooseIM can be integrated with web pages using Websockets, like the example many people have already seen: the group chat on the live streaming pages.

Talk objectives: 

To show how efficient and easy it is to embed a (group)chat on your own website, including tight integration with modern frameworks and Content Management Systems

Target audience: 

Webadmins, XMPP developers