Yurii Rashkovskii
Spawnfest Organiser

Yurii has been using Erlang on and off since 2001 for commercial and open source projects, always returning to it from his endeavors with other platforms. Among other things, his open source Erlang work includes proper_stdlib, beam.js, evfs, socket.io-erlang, agner, epitest and EEP 39 implementation. Yurii resides in Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada).
Twitter: @yrashk
Twitter: @yrashk
Yurii Rashkovskii is Giving the Following Talks
Organizing Erlang Deployments
When it comes to deploying Erlang applications deployment, opinions divide. Different solutions exist, of which an overview will be given. A more interesting question is "how can we improve what we have right now?", though. Some new ideas and developments to be presented (in development at the time of writing this abstract)
Audience: Erlang developers who are not afraid of Erlang releases and understand their potential.
Talk Objective: to give a perspective on how Erlang releases can be organized in a much more manageable way.
Audience: Erlang developers who are not afraid of Erlang releases and understand their potential.
Talk Objective: to give a perspective on how Erlang releases can be organized in a much more manageable way.