István Bozó
Member of the RefactorErl project
Eötvös Loránd University

István Bozó is a third year PhD student at the Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest, Hungary). He has been working with Erlang since 2007 with the RefactorErl project. He received his master's degree in Computer Science in 2009 from Eötvös Loránd University. Both his bachelor and master theses were focused on Erlang and function related refactorings. István has been teaching Functional Languages at the University since 2009. His PhD research field is impact analysis of Erlang programs and measuring the impact of refactoring source code transformations through test case selection.

István Bozó is Giving the Following Talks
Tutorial: Utilization of ReafactorErl during Development and Maintenance
RefactorErl is a source code analyser and transformer tool. Beside the more than 20 refactoring transformations the tool has a complex static source analyser framework: it provides data flow analysis, dynamic function call detection, side-effect analysis, a user level query language to query semantic information or structural complexity metrics about Erlang programs, dependency examination among functions or modules, function call graph with information about dynamic calls, etc.
During the tutorial we plan to highlight some useful features of the tool, and to present how this tool can be used in software development and maintenance tasks.
We will also present how the tool can be used for code comprehension in development teams, how to configure the RefactorErl server for multi users, etc.
Talk objectives: Show the main code comprehension features of RefactorErl and give some useful case studies about the usage.
Target audience: Everyone who has ever written Erlang code, wanted to maintain/understand/debug legacy code.