Magnus Klaar
Erlang Developer at Nine Nines
Nine Nines

Magnus Klaar is currently studying Computer science at Högskolan i Skövde and working as an Erlang developer at Nine Nines with Loïc Hoguin. He has worked with maintaining and supporting internet services for a large student housing foundation in Göteborg, Sweden. He has also been an active contributor to the etorrent project and is actively involved in the development of the cowboy web server.

Magnus Klaar is Giving the Following Talks
Tutorial: Building a Chat with Cowboy - Part 2
This tutorial introduces the Cowboy web server through the writing of a simple chat application.
The Cowboy web server allows you to write efficient web applications. It's however just a thin layer managing the HTTP part of your application.
After a brief presentation of Cowboy, we will start writing a simple echo application using GET and POST, and then using Websockets.
We will then start talking about the general architecture of the
application, build a session server and make clients communicate with each other.
Requirements for this tutorial: basic knowledge of how HTTP works, a laptop with Erlang and Rebar installed (R14B or higher) along with a websocket enabled browser.
Tutorial objectives: Learn how to use Cowboy to build real-world HTTP/websocket applications.
Target audience: Web and network developers.
Tutorial: Building a Chat with Cowboy - Part 1
This tutorial introduces the Cowboy web server through the writing of a simple chat application.
The Cowboy web server allows you to write efficient web applications. It's however just a thin layer managing the HTTP part of your application.
After a brief presentation of Cowboy, we will start writing a simple echo application using GET and POST, and then using Websockets.
We will then start talking about the general architecture of the
application, build a session server and make clients communicate with each other.
Requirements for this tutorial: basic knowledge of how HTTP works, a laptop with Erlang and Rebar installed (R14B or higher) along with a websocket enabled browser.
Tutorial objectives: Learn how to use Cowboy to build real-world HTTP/websocket applications.
Target audience: Web and network developers.