Niklas Lindström
Dynamic and functional developer within the web of data

Niklas has worked professionally with the web for a dozen years. With a deep interest in the comprehension of data and pragmatism in the choice of programming techniques, he has worked with front-end HTML, JS and CSS since the dawn of Mozilla; built tools and systems in Python and in a number of languages on the JVM; sifted data with regexps, AWK, XSLT and SPARQL, and currently savours the simple trees of JSON and the logical arcs of RDF graphs. These involvements has also led to a role as invited expert in the W3C RDFa working group. In relation to that he did his first proper dive into Clojure, by writing an RDFa 1.1 parser.
His background also includes studies in art, philosophy and computer science.
twitter: @niklasl

Niklas Lindström is Giving the Following Talks
(first ‘(Clojure.))
Clojure is the promise of a new dawn of clarity and empowerment. Enjoy the purity of functional programming, the uniformity of a LISP-based syntax and the pragmatic power of high level data structures.
Eschew the accidental complexities of overzealous object orientation, misguided attempts at brevity by implicit obscurities, and the conflation of state and identity – mangling time with imperative side effects.
This introduction will give you a glimpse into the power of expression, and provide some pointers and advice for wrapping your mind around the shape and intent of these parentheses from a more civilised age, enhanced with the vectors, maps and sets of modern living. You will also be shown how to tame the monsters of state and direct time.
Talk objectives: Provide an overview of the shape and features of Clojure, its Lispisms, notion of state and identity, and how it interoperates with Java.
Target audience: Developers curious about the fundamental shape and concepts of Clojure.