Rickard Green
Erlang VM developer and OTP team member
Ericsson AB

Rickard Green is a senior specialist in muticore/multiprocessor utilization and scalability at Ericsson AB. He works with the development of Erlang's virtual machine at Erlang/OTP and has done so for more than ten years. The development of an Erlang VM capable of utilizing multicore/multiprocessor hardware, i.e. the SMP support of the Erlang VM, begun about seven years ago. He has since then been the main developer of the SMP support, and has designed and implemented major parts of it.

Rickard Green is Giving the Following Talks
Taking a Virtual Machine towards Many-Core
The number of cores in modern computer systems increase rapidly. While the Erlang Virtual Machine has a history of good support for multicore systems, new development in the hardware industry requires further development of the Virtual Machine. This talk will walk you through the latest development, as well as the future, of the Virtual Machine
regarding support for multicore and multiprocessor systems. The talk will also discuss what problems arise when moving from multicore to many-core systems and what the solutions to the forthcoming challenges might be. The talk will be quite technical.
Talk Objectives: Give the audience an insight of the Virtual Machine internals.
Target Audience: People with technical interest in the Virtual Machine internals.