Romain Lenglet
Network Virtualization Software Engineer at Nicira

Romain Lenglet has been hacking at all software layers for more than 10 years, at the intersection of software architecture, distributed systems, and networking. He received two masters and a Ph.D in Computer Science from INPG, France. His career led him from France through Japan to the US, where he worked in the Tokyo Institute of Technology, at Orange Labs, and on YouTube at Google. He has been using Erlang in free software projects since 2005, and notably added support for Erlang and EUnit into GNU Autoconf. He strongly believes in network virtualization, and since 2010 he has been designing and implementing network virtualization control software, first leading the engineering team at Midokura, and now at Nicira since 2011.
Next big challenge: Changing the world, one network at a time.
Twitter: @romainlenglet

Romain Lenglet is Host to the Following Tracks
As Erlang's popularity grows, it keeps breaking into new verticals and is adopted by start-ups and Fortune 100 companies alike. In this track we get to listen to the war stories of novice and experienced users, looking at the benefits Erlang brings to these new business segments and introduce current and future distributed architectures. Talks will also include experience reports on how Erlang is introduced in new organizations.