Ulf Norell
QuickCheck expert, QuviQ AB
QuviQ AB

Ulf Norell got his PhD in computer science in 2007 and is now a post doc at Chalmers University of Technology where he is developing dependently typed functional programming languages. Since 2008 he has been working for Quviq AB, helping to bring the QuickCheck testing tool to Erlang developers.

Ulf Norell is Giving the Following Talks
Testing Eventual Consistency in Riak
Riak is one of the new breed of no-SQL database management systems,
which has begun to replace relational databases for some applications.
Riak is a distributed key-value store, inspired by Amazon’s Dynamo,
designed for applications where scalability, low latency and high
availability are critical. Riak uses replication to provide fast access
to data, even when multiple nodes or parts of the network fail. It
supports concurrent access to the same data by multiple clients, even
when the network is partitioned. All of this makes it very hard to test.
I will show how QuickCheck helped us to model Riak’s behavior, improving understanding and revealing the occasional bug.