Patrik Nyblom
Erlang VM Developer and OTP Team Member

Patrik Nyblom has worked in the Ericsson OTP project developing the beam
virtual machine and the Erlang core libraries for nearly fifteen years. He is
the current team leader of the OTP virtual machine team.
His work includes, but is not limited to: Large parts of the ETS implementation, the re module, unicode support, parts of the SMP support and various ports to different operating systems. Patrik also lectures from time to time at Stockholm University, mainly regarding parallel programming and multi-core support.
His work includes, but is not limited to: Large parts of the ETS implementation, the re module, unicode support, parts of the SMP support and various ports to different operating systems. Patrik also lectures from time to time at Stockholm University, mainly regarding parallel programming and multi-core support.
GitHub: bufflig

Patrik Nyblom is Giving the Following Talks
Handling Unicode
Handling Unicode in your program and encoding data properly for communication with the world outside is for many programmers a new area. Thinking about the way your strings are encoded when stored in a disk file or sent over the internet has previously been a no-brainer as all characters fit in one byte. A text file was a text file and a string could be encoded in a binary without hesitation. Now days you have to think about character representation, ways of telling other programs how characters are represented, peculiarities of other languages than your own, terminal capabilities, file system name encoding and so on. The Unicode support in Erlang/OTP has been built up during the last three major releases to what it is today. While still not complete, it now covers a lot of areas where third party libraries was previously required.
Talk objectives: This talk will introduce you to the wonderful world of Unicode and will explain where Erlang/OTP is today, tomorrow and possibly in future releases.
Target audience: Erlang developers.