Jon Vlachoyiannis
Maniac Scientist, Inventor and software architect

As all maniac scientists do, Jon experiments with new technologies every
single day and creates stuff that normal people find impossible. He fell
in love with Erlang three years ago, trying to create a service that
connects web applications to Second Life. Now, he uses Python (his
all-time darling) with Erlang to build his latest prediction model
software and spicies it up with frameworks (mostly Rails and web2py).
Jon has been programming from the age of eight, has worked for companies, leaders in their respective fields, ranging from photorealism algorithms to digital signage to geocoding applications to facebook applications and has designed and organized projects for multinational companies like P&G; deep in his heart though, he is an opensource geek and inventor. He won the "New Scientist" award for his next generation virtual machine (gNVM) at the 1rst eRA conference, gained 3rd place in a national web innovation contest held in Greece with his non-profit and has many other opensource projects running in parallel like
These days he spends most of his time planning the creation of his second company, consisting only of crazy scientists -
Jon has been programming from the age of eight, has worked for companies, leaders in their respective fields, ranging from photorealism algorithms to digital signage to geocoding applications to facebook applications and has designed and organized projects for multinational companies like P&G; deep in his heart though, he is an opensource geek and inventor. He won the "New Scientist" award for his next generation virtual machine (gNVM) at the 1rst eRA conference, gained 3rd place in a national web innovation contest held in Greece with his non-profit and has many other opensource projects running in parallel like
These days he spends most of his time planning the creation of his second company, consisting only of crazy scientists -
- John's blog
- Follow @jonromero on Twitter
Jon Vlachoyiannis is Giving the Following Talks
RainUp - The Biggest Cloud Computing ever built!
Build the biggest cloud computing project man has ever seen and use it for scientific reasons. We plan to run on Clouds (Amazon / Mosso) and set Erlang to scale to infinity breaking the world record of TerraFlops! We are an OpenSource/NonProfit team destined to stretch technology in order to serve mankind.