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Mark Imbriaco
System Administrator 37signals

Mark Imbriaco has worked as a system architect and developer for firms ranging from small startups to large corporations like Bank of America and America Online. He is currently a system administrator at 37signals where he is responsible for running the infrastructure that supports their popular suite of applications. Mark discovered Erlang as part of his continual desire to find new approaches for building scalable applications and has recently deployed the first Erlang application at 37signals.

Mark Imbriaco is Giving the Following Talks
Campfire Loves Erlang

Campfire is the popular web based group chat application created by 37signals. This talk will cover the architecture of Campfire and the decisions which led to replacing a functional C based polling service with an Erlang version. I will compare three implementations: a Ruby prototype, the former production C version, and the current Erlang version on the basis of code complexity, deployment and manageability, and performance. Using the right tool for the job makes all the difference and Erlang turned out to be the right tool. We will discuss some other areas at 37signals where it might also be a good fit.