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Case Studies in Gaming and Messaging,  
Michal Slaski,  
Erlang and Test-Driven Development,  
Fred Hebert,  
Cool Tools and Gadgets,  
Javier M. Torres,  
8:00 - 9:00


9:00 - 9:15

Francesco Cesarini

9:15 - 10:15

The true story of why we invented Erlang and a few things you don't want to tell your manager
Mike Williams

10:15 - 10:30

Mid-morning Break

10:30 - 11:15

Designing online games for scale with Erlang
Paolo Negri, Knut Nesheim

Erlang -a monitoring-oriented programming language
Christian Colombo

A Decade of Yaws
Steve Vinoski

11:20 - 12:05

Erlang and First-Person Shooters in online games
Malcolm Dowse

Practical Erlang testing techniques (Y U NO HAVE TESTS?)
Bob Ippolito

Building Web Applications in the Erlang Era
Yurii Rashkovskii

12:05 - 13:30


13:30 - 14:15

Large Scale Messaging at IMVU in social entertainment and gaming
Jon Watte

How I found five lurking race conditions in mnesia with 200 lines of QuickCheck code
John Hughes

Shapesmith - Accessible 3D modelling in the browser
Benjamin Nortier

14:20 - 15:05

Messaging Patterns with RabbitMQ
Alvaro Videla

Testing AUTOSAR components with QuickCheck
Thomas Arts

Erlware Commons: Well Tested, Abstract types for Erlang
Eric Merritt

15:05 - 15:20

Mid-afternoon Break

15:20 - 16:05

Eventing Data with RabbitMQ and Riak
Jon Brisbin

A-maze-ing Erlang
Dominic Williams

Mocking Erlang Modules with Meck
Adam Lindberg

16:10 - 16:55

A match made in Scalability Heaven. Mongo with Erlang.
Ori Pekelman

DIY refactoring in Wrangler
Simon Thompson, Huiqing Li

eTorrent, writing Peer-to-Peer clients in Erlang
Jesper Louis Andersen

17:00 - 17:20

Evening Break

17:20 - 18:20

Bofs - Open to everyone

18:30 - 22:00
