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Dominic Williams
An Agile voice in the Erlang world
Extreme Forge

Dominic Williams has worked on critical systems in railway signalling, telecommunications and the Web for 15 years, in Erlang for the last six years. Fabrice Nourisson and him co-founded Extreme Forge, a small company of Erlang and Agile experts.

Dominic Williams is Giving the Following Talks
High Availability Erlang from the Trenches

Erlang is a simple language specially designed for robust, high availability (HA) systems. In six years of working on telco systems, we have learned the hard way that there are a few pitfalls. We present the most common problems and the coding guidelines and design idioms we have adopted to deal with issues such as the atom table, memory and the garbage collector, message queues, flow control, configuration and hot code upgrades.

Talk objectives: Warn developers of HA Erlang systems about common pitfalls and lessons learned, and provide coding guidelines and design idioms to avoid them.

Target audience: Developers and architects, aspiring Erlang experts, especially of high availability systems.