Jesper Louis Andersen
Creator of the eTorrent project
Erlang Solutions

Jesper is a Danish programming language geek who is now heading up the Erlang Solutions Copenhagen office. Jesper has programmed in numerous different programming languages. He has a keen interest in weaving functional programming with parallelism and concurrency. He likes to try out new ideas from theoretic research by finding a real-world application and building a system around the idea in order to evaluate its usefulness. In the process he likes to apply knowledge from different areas of mathematics and computer science and he has a curiosity for anything new.
He is the principal programmer and leader of two open source projects, implementing the BitTorrent Peer-to-peer content distribution protocol in Haskell and Erlang respectively.
He is the principal programmer and leader of two open source projects, implementing the BitTorrent Peer-to-peer content distribution protocol in Haskell and Erlang respectively.

Jesper Louis Andersen is Giving the Following Talks
Ranking Games & Scheduling Jobs
This talk presents two interesting use cases of Erlang. One, we present a ranking framework for 1v1 games in Erlang, based on the Glicko2 system and we use it for ranking duels in the game Quake Live. Two, we present the use of the JOBS framework to schedule ranking jobs and give a compelling use case for it. We also uncover how to test parts of JOBS.
WARNING: The talk may contain traces of Erlang QuickCheck!