Eric Merritt
Erlang author and Erlware Committer

Eric Merritt is a Software Engineer who specializes in concurrent languages and distributed systems. For the last eight years he has been coding Erlang and has also been heavily involved in the Erlang community. Currently, Eric is a core developer for the Erlware family of open source products and is the primary developer for the Sinan build system.
Eric has been involved in both professional and Open Source development for the last ten years. He started his career developing applications in C and Java on IBM Mainframe and Midrange hardware. He also provided training and consulting in object-oriented principles and concepts. However, his interest in languages, concurrency and distributed systems quickly drove him to more interesting and challenging work at companies like
Eric has been involved in both professional and Open Source development for the last ten years. He started his career developing applications in C and Java on IBM Mainframe and Midrange hardware. He also provided training and consulting in object-oriented principles and concepts. However, his interest in languages, concurrency and distributed systems quickly drove him to more interesting and challenging work at companies like

Eric Merritt is Giving the Following Talks
Writing a Technical Book
Ever thought about writing a book? I think many of us have, but have no idea where to start or what it would take. In this talk we will write our experiences over the last two years writing the book Erlang and OTP in Action for Manning. The journey has been a challenging, thought provoking, informative, and very often times an absurd and humorous one. We will relate everything from how togo about proposing a book to a publisher, coming up with a good table of contents, working with an editor, reviews, production and moving toward print, and quite a bit more.
The presentation slides from this talk are available here:
The presentation slides from this talk are available here:
Eric Merritt is Host to the Following Tracks
This track is about speed and integration. You will get a peek inside the Erlang VM, learn how to make your own code run really fast, integrate efficiently with other languages and make secure RPCs.