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Martin Logan
Erlang author and Faxien and Sinan committer
Orbitz Inc.

Martin Logan has been heavily involved with the Erlang community since 1999. Since that time he has had the privilege to work on Erlang full time for over 5 years. Martin’s great interest in distributed systems and service based design has led him to spend much of his career to studying and solving problems in that space. Wherever possible he tries to implement his solutions with Erlang.
Currently Martin brings his expertise to Orbitz Worldwide, one of the largest online travel companies in the world. There he leads the technical travel business services group developing solutions for their large scale distributed service based infrastructure. Most recently Martin has taken a leadership role with Erlware where he is a core developer and the primary developer of the Faxien package management system.

Martin Logan is Giving the Following Talks
Writing a Technical Book

Ever thought about writing a book? I think many of us have, but have no idea where to start or what it would take. In this talk we will write our experiences over the last two years writing the book Erlang and OTP in Action for Manning.  The journey has been a challenging, thought provoking, informative, and very often times an absurd and humorous one. We will relate everything from how togo about proposing a book to a publisher, coming up with a good table of  contents, working with an editor, reviews, production and moving toward print, and quite a bit more.

The presentation slides from this talk are available here:
Martin Logan is Host to the Following Tracks

The Tools and Gadgets Track explores the latest tools, academic research projects and library applications for the Erlang Developers and Testers.