Mats Cronqvist
Looking for higher order fun at Klarna
Klarna AB

Mats Cronqvist holds what's possibly the least useful of all academic titles: a Ph.D. in Experimental Nuclear Physics. He's spent a good amount of time chasing exotic subatomic particles, but rarely found any interesting ones. Since 1997 he's been paid to chase Erlang bugs instead, and has been able to find quite a few, possibly because they are not hard to come by. He currently works for Klarna, writing code that is completely bug free.

Mats Cronqvist is Giving the Following Talks
The nine nines and how to get there
Once upon a time the flagship product of the Erlang world was the AXD301, an phone switch from Ericsson sporting 1-2 million lines of highly complex Erlang code. This product was supposedly capable of achieving service availability levels of "nine nines", i.e. 99.9999999% reliability. This is, even by telecom standards, insanely high. In this talk, you will hear about this, what was actually achieved, and how it was done.
The talk will not be about software architecture, testing or "methods to ensure quality", but rather ruminations about debugging in general and the unique opportunities for power debugging offered by the Erlang virtual machine.
The talk will not be about software architecture, testing or "methods to ensure quality", but rather ruminations about debugging in general and the unique opportunities for power debugging offered by the Erlang virtual machine.