Steve Vinoski
Yaws committer, REST advocate, and distributed systems expert

Steve Vinoski, is the author of a regular column entitled, "Toward
Integration" for IEEE Internet Computing, he has authored and
co-authored approximately 80 highly-regarded publications on
distributed computing and enterprise integration for magazines such as,
IEEE Internet Computing, C/C++ Users Jounral and C++ Report and is the
co-author of Advanced CORBA Programming with C++ (APC)
with Michi Henning.
Steve is currently a member of technical staff at Verivue, a startup in Westford, Massachusetts, USA. He was previously chief architect and Fellow at IONA Technologies for a decade, prior to that he held various software and hardware engineering positions at Hewlett-Packard, Apollo Computer and Texas Instruments.
Steve is currently a member of technical staff at Verivue, a startup in Westford, Massachusetts, USA. He was previously chief architect and Fellow at IONA Technologies for a decade, prior to that he held various software and hardware engineering positions at Hewlett-Packard, Apollo Computer and Texas Instruments.

Steve Vinoski is Giving the Following Talks
Using Erlang in a Carrier-Grade Media Distribution Switch
For the past three years I've worked in a startup developing innovative hardware solutions to handle the staggering growth of video traffic not only on the Web, but also in traditional cable TV networks and in IPTV deployments. As network operators rapidly push toward providing seamless delivery across TV screens, computer screens, and mobile devices, they're finding that traditional approaches of racking and stacking commodity PCs are quickly running out of steam due to overcrowded and overheating data centers with insufficient power availability, inadequate media storage solutions, and limited network bandwidth.
In this talk I'll detail how Erlang has delivered for us on its promise of providing a superior platform for highly concurrent, distributed, fault-tolerant, and long-running applications. Compared to traditional C and C++ approaches typically used for these types of systems, our Erlang applications provide many advantages, such as being far smaller and simpler, much more flexible and maintainable, easier and faster to build, debug, and test, and significantly more capable of utilizing multiple cores. I'll cover topics related to web applications, integration with specialized hardware video delivery capabilities and with non-Erlang applications, distributed systems solutions, testing, simulation, debugging, and deployment.
If you're attending Erlang Factory because you're trying to determine if Erlang is right for your project, or if you're just relatively new to the language, note that I'll also discuss the journey from initially having to convince management that Erlang was even worth serious consideration to now having it serve as an indispensable part of our products.
In this talk I'll detail how Erlang has delivered for us on its promise of providing a superior platform for highly concurrent, distributed, fault-tolerant, and long-running applications. Compared to traditional C and C++ approaches typically used for these types of systems, our Erlang applications provide many advantages, such as being far smaller and simpler, much more flexible and maintainable, easier and faster to build, debug, and test, and significantly more capable of utilizing multiple cores. I'll cover topics related to web applications, integration with specialized hardware video delivery capabilities and with non-Erlang applications, distributed systems solutions, testing, simulation, debugging, and deployment.
If you're attending Erlang Factory because you're trying to determine if Erlang is right for your project, or if you're just relatively new to the language, note that I'll also discuss the journey from initially having to convince management that Erlang was even worth serious consideration to now having it serve as an indispensable part of our products.