Tony Garnock-Jones

Tony has been working at LShift, since 2002, and is one of the developers of RabbitMQ. Besides RabbitMQ, he has
used Erlang to build a distributed Jukebox, a general JSON-RPC
web-service library, a "reverse HTTP" proxy, an SMTP/POP3 server, and
the operating system for an open-source cellphone."
Tony Garnock-Jones is Giving the Following Talks
What is messaging and why should you care?
Alexis will be presenting on RabbitMQ, an Erlang implementation of AMQP, the emerging standard for high performance enterprise messaging. Erlang is well known delivering a highly scalable and stable environment for applications that involve messaging. When JP Morgan Chase and others introduced AMQP, a new standard l4 protocol for busisness messaging and integration, Erlang seemed an obvious choice. This talk will explain the business rationale of this decision in detail and describe the technology and architecture of the ensuing product, RabbitMQ. Today, RabbitMQ is used in solutions across multiple languages and platforms such as Java, Linux, C# on .net, Python and of course Erlang. For people who want to benefit what Erlang brings to the table, products that implement a protocol as their API seem to be delivering value.