Joe Williams
Developer at Cloudant and creator of Erlang Memcached client

Formerly a lead engineer at linux managed hosting provider Contegix.
Today, Joe attempts to automate everything while maintaining Cloudant’s
infrastructure and deployment systems. He enjoys bridging the gap
between operations and development as well as working with Ruby and
functional languages such as Erlang. Additionally he is a contributor
to Opscode Chef and a maintainer of an Erlang Memcached client called
- Joe's Blog
- Follow: @williamsjoe on Twitter

Joe Williams is Giving the Following Talks
High Availability in the Cloud
The talk will focus on how I (with the help of the entire Cloudant
team) built our database service based on CouchDB on top of EC2.
Specifically how we use Erlang, Chef, EC2 and other tools to build
highly available and performant database clusters. This includes using
Chef and Erlang's hot code upgrades to automate cluster-wide upgrades
without restarting any services.
The main topics will include:
1. Getting high availability in the cloud
The main topics will include:
1. Getting high availability in the cloud
- How to think about and work with the cloud (and infrastructure you don't control)
- Expect and prepare for failure
- When EBS devices and EC2 instances go bad
- Cooking high availability into your system
- Removing single points of failure
- Performance
- Reliability
- Including how we use Erlang and Chef to automate hot upgrades