Sadek Drobi
Consultant and programming languages Evangelist at Valtech

Sadek Drobi is a software engineer specializing in design and
implementation of enterprise applications with a particular focus on
bridging the gap between the problem domain and the solution domain.
Programming languages evangelist at Valtech France where he works as consultant and tech lead, he is currently working on
a research proposal relative to language oriented programming and
multiparadigm design. Passionate about his profession but also about
photography, he publishes a technical blog and
maintains a photo gallery.
- Read Sadek's Blog
- Follow @sadache on Twitter
Sadek Drobi is Giving the Following Talks
Computation Abstraction: Going beyond programming language control syntax, or what we’ve missed from FP for so long in mainstream
For a long time, and due to the lack of main FP concepts in most mainstream languages, we missed opportunities to abstraction and code expressiveness and conciseness. With today’s democratization of FP, Computational Abstraction is what will enable us to be less dependent on specific programming language syntax offering; creating libraries of control structures and composition forms that help find concise and expressive solutions to enterprise programming challenges (null, lists treatment, error handling), capturing elegantly important business concepts in code, and programming at the right level of abstraction. For a long time, and due to the lack of main FP concepts in most mainstream languages, we missed opportunities to abstraction and code expressiveness and conciseness. With today’s democratization of FP, Computational Abstraction is what will enable us to be less dependent on specific programming language syntax offering; creating libraries of control structures and composition forms that help find concise and expressive solutions to enterprise programming challenges (null, lists treatment, error handling), capturing elegantly important business concepts in code, and programming at the right level of abstraction.