Ulf Wiger
Uber Erlang programmer and CTO of Erlang Solutions
Erlang Solutions Ltd

Ulf Wiger became one of the first commercial users of Erlang (certainly
the first in North America) when he bought a license in 1993. At the
time, he was busy designing disaster response systems in Alaska. In
1996, he joined Ericsson and became Chief Designer of the AXD 301
development. At nearly 2 million lines of Erlang code, AXD 301 is the
most complex system ever built in Erlang, and probably the most complex
commercial system built in any functional language.
In recent years, Ulf has been involved in several products based on the
AXD 301 architecture, and has been an active member of the Open Source
Erlang community. In February 2009, Ulf began his new job as CTO of
Erlang Solutions Ltd.
- Ulf's Blog
- Follow @uwiger on Twitter
- Erlang Solutions Ltd.

Ulf Wiger is Giving the Following Talks
Inviso and Exago: tracing and log analysis in multiple node environments
Tracing and debugging large systems still remains a challenging and sometimes daunting task. There are few tools at hand, and even if some data is collected the sheer volume and hours required to analyse it makes one wince. However, there's a hidden gem in OTP which many developers and testers may not be aware of - the Inviso application, providing support for setting up and collecting real-time tracing in multi-node environments. Although still a work in progress, we've made an effort to provide a clean, functional and safe API to it. Together with a friendlier user-interface it is getting ready to assist developers who are building massively distributed systems.
But on-line tracing is one thing; post-mortem debugging is another. As a developer or support engineer you have probably spent enormous energy and time manually analyzing log files, trying to find out what went wrong, when and why.
Using Exago, now you can automatically parse and process log files, and check them against an abstract model of the system. In case of failure, it will report the abstract state where the error occurred, and the events that led to the point of failure.
In brief, this tool automates most of the difficult and tiresome task of manually inspecting log files, tasks that you would probably pass to the interns.
But on-line tracing is one thing; post-mortem debugging is another. As a developer or support engineer you have probably spent enormous energy and time manually analyzing log files, trying to find out what went wrong, when and why.
Using Exago, now you can automatically parse and process log files, and check them against an abstract model of the system. In case of failure, it will report the abstract state where the error occurred, and the events that led to the point of failure.
In brief, this tool automates most of the difficult and tiresome task of manually inspecting log files, tasks that you would probably pass to the interns.