Nitin Borwankar
Database Expert

Nitin Borwankar spoke about CouchDB at Erlang Factory in 2009. He liked the product so much he joined the company in 2010. He has talked to a wide variety of potential customers for schemaless databases and has a good sense of where they work well and where not. Previously he has worked at those "other" database companies like Sybase and Ingres and has also used Oracle and MySQL extensively.
Twitter: @nitin

Nitin Borwankar is Giving the Following Talks
There's no schema for Science - CouchDB in Research
The cutting edge and constantly evolving nature of scientific research makes it very hard to use relational databases to model scientific data. When a hypothesis changes, the observations change and the schema changes - large volumes of data may have to be migrated. This makes it very hard for researchers and they end up using spreadsheets and flat files since they are more flexible. Enter CouchDB and the schemaless model. The talk will take three real world examples and generalize to extract some principles and help identify where you might apply these.