Steve Yen
Membase Co-Founder and CTO, Moxi proxy author, cucumberl author.

Steve is a world-class technologist and successful entrepreneur with a
track record of founding and building groundbreaking companies. Prior to
Membase, Steve co-founded Escalate, and architected its unique,
multitenant e-commerce and order management software-as-a-service
application. Escalate was acquired by GE Retail Systems in 2004.
Previously, Steve co-founded Kiva Software, where he was a key part of
the technology team that created the world’s first application server
with high-scale deployments at E*Trade, Bank of America and Sabre. Kiva
was acquired by Netscape in 1997. Steve is a UC Berkeley Computer
Science graduate.
Steve's Blog
Twitter: @steveyentweets
Steve's Blog
Twitter: @steveyentweets
Steve Yen is Giving the Following Talks
Behaviour Driven Design comes to Erlang with cucumberl
Erlang OTP was the platform of choice when building Membase's clustering. Ensuring membase is tested is important, and behavior driven development (BDD) is one efficient way to ensure software matches it's intended behavior. Cucumber is BDD done with "elegance and joy", so Steve Yen of Membase, Inc. authored and Open Sourced cucumberl for BDD with Erlang. Learn the basics of BDD, cucumberl, and how to contribute.