Jim Larson
SimpleD8 replication architect and Erlang programmer
Jim Larson is a software engineer at Google where he works on large
scale storage systems. He has worked with Erlang for commercial
products and services off and on since 1999. He was the architect of
the replication engine of the Amazon SimpleDB Web service at
Amazon.com. He previously worked at Sendmail Inc. and the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory. He has a B.A. in Mathematics from St. Olaf
College, an M.S. in Mathematics from Claremont Graduate University, and
an M.S. in Computer Science from the University of Oregon.
Jim Larson is Host to the Following Tracks
As Erlang's popularity grows, it keeps breaking into new niches and
companies not previously associated with the language. In this track we
get to listen to the experiences of users better known for their
association with other technologies rather than Erlang.