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Marc Worrell
CTO of MaxClass, Lead Architect of Zotonic

After using C and other imperative languages for more than twenty years, Marc rediscovered Erlang in 2008.

Till 2008 he was co-owner and CTO of Mediamatic where he built a complex web based content management and social network using a mix of PHP and C. Before Mediamatic he realized projects like multimedia management systems using Oracle and Sybase, optimizing assemblers in C, a risk assessment application in NewtonScript and an assembler/disassembler generator in Haskell.

With his current company, WhatWebWhat, he is involved in building a large scale web platform for education called MaxClass in cooperation with Maximonster Interactive Things.

Marc Worrell is Giving the Following Talks
Zotonic, the Erlang web framework, at MaxClass

Zotonic is both an easy to use content management system and a powerful web framework. It's built on some of the best pieces of Erlang open source software, by experienced web developers. Zotonic comes with an incredible speed out-of-the-box, an extensible infrastructure and most of all, a friendly community. In the first part of this talk, we summarize the history and development of Zotonic, and give a short introduction to the data model and the architecture.

MaxClass is a social communication platform for education, connecting teachers, parents and pupils.  We show why Zotonic - and Erlang in general - suited us best to implement MaxClass, and what challenges are we facing.  Finally we take a look into the future development of Zotonic, to support our needs as a growing private social network.