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Huiqing Li
Inventor of Wrangler
The University of Kent

Huiqing Li got her PhD at Kent University in September 2006 and works as a post doc in the EU project ProTest to further develop the refactoring tool Wrangler.

Huiqing Li is Giving the Following Talks
Wrangler as a part of the software development process

Wrangler is a refactoring tool which supports interactive refactoring for Erlang programs. It is integrated with both Emacs and Eclipse. Wrangler supports a variety of structural, macro and process refactorings, as well as functionalities for code inspection, such as semantics-aware expression/variable search, duplicated code detection, improper module dependency detection, etc.

In this tutorial, we'll show you how to use Wrangler as a part of the software development process. Apart from the basic usage of Wrangler, we will also demonstrate how to use Wrangler to eliminate duplicated code, and to improve the module structure of Erlang programs.