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Mazen Harake
Systems developer and technical consultant at Erlang Solutions
Erlang Solutions

Mazen Harake has been commercially active in development, design and  technical consulting of Erlang systems at Erlang Solutions for 5 years. He has been part of designing large distributed soft real time systems with emphasis on service and product quality.

Mazen Harake is Giving the Following Talks
Hands-on DBG and TTB introduction

The Erlang tracing capability enables the developer to look inside any part of the system in an easy and efficient way. The Erlang dbg application facilitates this capability and is an extremely powerful tool which can be used when inspecting, tracing and debugging Erlang systems in real time and this tutorial will go through the basic to intermediate levels. We will go through how to enable tracing and how to interpret the results. We will then look at how to build basic
debugging/tracing capabilities in distributed systems using the Trace Tool Builder (ttb) as a platform. We will be looking at some hands-on demos where we will try the ideas and concepts and make you confident enough to delve deeper into the documentation to explore the more advanced features.