Training: OTP Express
Hitchhiker's Tour of the BEAM

Robert Virding
Co-Inventor of Erlang, Principal Language Expert at Erlang Solutions

You will learn the prevailing Erlang Design Patterns called OTP Behaviours. We will cover Erlang Design Patterns such as Generic Behaviours, Finite State Machines and Event Handlers. You will also learn how to develop systems using the Supervisor and Application Behaviours Patterns, so you can construct maintainable and fault tolerant software. Upon completion of this course, you will be able to extend it all, by devising your very own Behaviours.

More info available here.

The BEAM is the standard Erlang implementation in use today. It was specially designed just to run Erlang. We will make a quick tour of the BEAM visiting the major sights to see what it looks like internally and how it functions. There will be no need of a towel on this short tour.
Target audience:
Developers and system architects who want to get a better understanding of how their applications will run.


Robert Virding is Principal Language Expert at Erlang Solutions Ltd. While at Ericsson AB, Robert was one of the original members of the Ericsson Computer Science Lab, and co-inventor of the Erlang language. He took part in the original system design and contributed much of the original libraries, as well as to the current compiler.

While at the lab he also did a lot of work on the implementation of logic and functional languages and on garbage collection. He has also worked as an entrepreneur and was one of the co-founders of one of the first Erlang startups (Bluetail). Robert also worked a number of years at the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) Modelling and Simulations Group. He co-authored the first book (Prentice-Hall) on Erlang, and is regularly invited to teach and present throughout the world.

GitHub: rvirding

Twitter: @rvirding

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