LING: not just Erlang on Xen Porting LING to ARM/MIPS Microcontrollers

Viktor Sovietov
Embedded Erlang is Real

LING is an Erlang platform with minimal requirements with respect to its software environment. Until now LING has been limited to Xen-virtualised x86. We managed to port LING to ARM (Raspberry Pi). The port to PIC32 (MIPS) microcontrollers is in the works. The presentation discusses the challenges of running Erlang on bare metal and potential benefits of LING/Erlang as a basis for embedded development.

Talk objectives:

- Describes of how Erlang is applicable to develop IoT and embedded applications;

Target audience:

- Erlang developers, technology entrepreneurs interested in IoT;


Viktor has two decades of IT experience and is an entrepreneur who has founded a number of software companies specialising in distributed and parallel processing and management as well as in artificial intelligence.

GitHub: vsov

Twitter: @vsovietov

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