Unlock the full capabilities of Erlang's new software management tool, rebar3. This talk will explore some of the basic functionality in the tool including managing dependencies, compiling a project, running tests, packaging and publishing your code to hex.pm.
But rebar3 can do more! Have you ever wanted to change how rebar handles a certain task? Now you can! We cover how to write plugins to modify and extend rebar's behaviors and how to create template files so rebar can help you start new code projects quickly and easily.
Finally, we will spend a few moments talking about how to provide rebar2 compatibility from a rebar3 project. Don't keep using the same old thing - now there's something better!
Mark has been a programmer for more than 20 years. In the past 5 years he has been writing Erlang more or less continuously for his day job. These days Mark considers himself a passionate functional programming enthusiast. Wrote internal and Internet-facing REST APIs in Erlang, Python, and Perl. Expert on the riak_core distributed systems foundational tool kit. Enjoys keeping up with academic research and publications about distributed systems. Frequent open source contributor (https://github.com/mrallen1): Started and coordinate a functional programming languages meet up in Houston. Also active in local Perl and Python meetups as a speaker and attendee. Speaker at OSCON 2011, 2012, 2013, Strange Loop 2014, RICON 2014, 2015, and Erlang Factory 2014, 2015 and other regional conferences. GitHub: