Erlang Factory Lite Brussels 2012
Mariano Guerra
Mariano Guerra
C ASM C++ JAVA Python PHP JS C# Erlang Scala
I may be a language geek
I ♥ Python/JS/Erlang
I like to create stuff
programming language for the erlang VM
jquery templates to erlang bytecode compiler
hello ${name}!
fnt:build(tpls, [{hello, "hello.fnt"}, {hello_name, "helloname.fnt"}]).
6> tpls:hello_name([{name, "mariano"}]). ["hello ","mariano","!\n"] 7> OutName = tpls:hello_name([{name, "mariano"}]). ["hello ","mariano","!\n"] 8> io:format(OutName). hello mariano! ok 9> OutName1 = tpls:hello_name([]). ["hello ","undefined","!\n"] 10> io:format(OutName1). hello undefined! ok
10> io:format(fnt:to_erlang(tpls, [{hello, "hello.fnt"}, {hello_name, "helloname.fnt"}, {greet, "greet.fnt"}, {list, "list.fnt"}, {insecure, "insecure.fnt"}])). -module(tpls). -export([hello/1, hello_name/1, greet/1, list/1, insecure/1]). hello(Context) -> ["hello world!\n"]. hello_name(Context) -> ["hello ", fnt:escape(fnt:get(Context, [name])), "!\n"]. greet(Context) -> [case fnt:get(Context, [name]) == "admin" of true -> " well hello sir "; _ -> case fnt:get(Context, [name]) == "root" of true -> " you shouldn't be using the root user "; _ -> [" welcome ", fnt:escape(fnt:get(Context, [name])), "! "] end end, "\n\n", case fnt:get(Context, [name]) == "mariano" of true -> "hello mariano, you have superpowers!"; _ -> "" end, "\n"]. list(Context) -> [fnt:each(fnt:get(Context, [item]), fun (Index, Value) -> [" ", fnt:escape(Index), ": ", fnt:escape(Value), "\n"] end), "\n"]. insecure(Context) -> ["this is some content without escaping: ", fnt:get(Context, [value]), "\nthe same content escaped: ", fnt:escape(fnt:get(Context, [value])), "\n"].
jquery selectors in erlang for xml/html
1> {ok, Qrly} = qrly_html:parse("../extra/test/test.html"). ... 2> Q1 = qrly_html:filter(Qrly, "h1"). [{<<"h1">>, [{<<"class">>,<<"first-title asdwordclass">>}], [<<"personal">>]}, {<<"h1">>, [{<<"class">>,<<"second-title wordclass">>}], [<<"projects">>]}, {<<"h1">>, [{<<"title">>,<<"others">>}, {<<"class">>,<<"third-title wordclass">>}], [<<"others">>]}] 3> Q2 = qrly_html:filter(Qrly, "h1.first-title"). [{<<"h1">>, [{<<"class">>,<<"first-title asdwordclass">>}], [<<"personal">>]}] 4> io:format("~s~n", [qrly_html:to_string(Q1)]). <div><h1 class="first-title asdwordclass">personal</h1><h1 class="second-title wordclass">projects</h1><h1 title="others" class="third-title wordclass">others</h1></div> ok 5> io:format("~s~n", [qrly_html:to_string(Q2)]). <div><h1 class="first-title asdwordclass">personal</h1></div> ok
first Spanish speaking erlang user's group
run an embedded python interpreter in erlang
1> pynerl:eval("t = 1", "t"). 1 2> pynerl:eval("t = 1 * 2", "t"). 2 3> pynerl:eval("import time;t = time.time()", "t"). 1274236802.877999 4> pynerl:eval("import random;t = random.random()", "t"). 0.45102117275294684 5> pynerl:eval("t = print('hello erlang or python')", "t"). hello erlang or python none 6> pynerl:call("time", "time", []). 1274236859.510859 7> pynerl:call("random", "random", []). 0.9623136682858975 8> pynerl:eval("t = True", "t"). true 9> pynerl:eval("t = 2.3", "t"). 2.3
multi protocol/multi platform desktop IM client
python & gtk
MSN, Jabber, Facebook chat, Gtalk
the thing that made this presentation
to show what I like, what I do
to see if you want to help me in some project ;)
so you know where my opinions come from
do you know erlang?
by name
coded hello world
coded simple app
erlang coder
I'm Joe Armstrong
do you know efene?
functional programmer
OO programmer
programming language for the erlang VM
compiles to bytecode
or translates to erlang
python/js like syntax
100% compatible with erlang
all erlang syntax supported
100% interoperability
some syntactic sugar
some extra features
started as a calculator to play with erlang (Oct 2009)
the calculator got variables
then functions
then got from interpreted to compiled
and it started to look like a language
blogged about it
got invited to Erlang Factory London 2010 (!)
the core language is [almost] finished
needs more documentation, examples, tutorials, promotion
maybe more libs
definitely more users :)
ideas behind erlang are really interesting
I would like to help promoting erlang
some people complain about the syntax
some people complain about missing features or minor annoyances
I like to make stuff :)
In any language design, the total time spent discussing a feature in this list is proportional to two raised to the power of its position.
Lexical syntax
Lexical syntax of comments
Wadler's Law
Syntax is the user interface of programming languages
Simon Peyton-Jones
many languages taking erlang concepts
they are willing to reinvent erlang, but not use it :(
Any sufficiently complicated concurrent/fault tolerant program contains an ad hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of half of Erlang.
Mariano Guerra's Tenth Rule
@public hello = fn ("Winston Churchill") { io.format("Well, hello sir~n") } fn (Name) { io.format("Hello ~s!~n", [Name]) } @public run = fn () { hello("Winston Churchill") hello("Erlang Factory Lite Brussels") }
➜ fnc hello.fn Compiling hello.fn ➜ fnc -r hello run Well, hello sir Hello Erlang Factory Lite Brussels!
-module(hello). -export([hello/1, run/0]). hello("Winston Churchill") -> io:format("Well, hello sir~n"); hello(Name) -> io:format("Hello ~s!~n", [Name]). run() -> hello("Winston Churchill"), hello("Erlang Factory Lite Brussels").
@public hello = fn ("Winston Churchill") io.format("Well, hello sir~n") fn (Name) io.format("Hello ~s!~n", [Name]) @public run = fn () hello("Winston Churchill") hello("Erlang Factory Lite Brussels")
no punctuation
no repetition of function names
no need to declare the module
unless you want to
local attributes
curly braces or indentation
-module(tempvars). -export([run/0]). add(L, N) -> add(L, N, []). add([], _N, Accum) -> lists:reverse(Accum); add([H | T], N, Accum) -> add(T, N, [H + N | Accum]). run() -> L = lists:seq(1, 10), L1 = add(L, 2), L2 = lists:reverse(L1), io:format("~p~n", [L2]).
add = fn (L, N) add(L, N, []) add = fn ([], _N, Accum) lists.reverse(Accum) fn ([H:T], N, Accum) add(T, N, [H + N:Accum]) @public run = fn () L = 1 .. 10 -> add(2) -> lists.reverse() io.format("~p~n", [L])
>>> 1 1 >>> 1.2 1.2 >>> atom atom >>> Var = "string" "string" >>> Bstr = <["binary string"]> <["binary string"]> >>> [1, 2, 3] [1, 2, 3] >>> (1, 2, 3) (1, 2, 3) >>> [X + 1 for X in 1 .. 10] [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] >>> for X in 1 .. 10 { X + 1 } [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]
>>> P = {name: "Mariano", lastname: "Guerra"} {name: "Mariano", lastname: "Guerra"} >>> "Mariano" >>> P.lastname "Guerra" >>> P1 = struct.set_prototype(P) {name: "Mariano", lastname: "Guerra"} >>> P1.has(name) true >>> P1.has(lastname) true >>> P1.has(money) false >>> P1.fields() [name, lastname] >>> P1.to_plist() [(name, "Mariano"), (lastname, "Guerra")]
>>> P2 = := "Luis Mariano" {name: "Luis Mariano", lastname: "Guerra"} >>> P1 {name: "Mariano", lastname: "Guerra"} >>> P1.format() [123, "name: \"Mariano\", lastname: \"Guerra\"", 125] >>> P1.print() {name: "Mariano", lastname: "Guerra"} ok >>> P3 = struct.from_plist([name => "bob", lastname => "sponge"]) {name: "bob", lastname: "sponge"} >>> ok => 42 (ok, 42)
@public run = fn L = .. 10) do (X) X * 2 io.format("~p~n", [L])
➜ fnc block.ifn Compiling block.ifn ➜ fnc -r block run [2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20]
-module(meta). -export([erlfun/1]). -define(ERLNUM, 4). -define(ERLMACRO(A), A + 1). erlfun(A) -> fun (B) -> B * A end.
@import("meta.erl") $FnNum = 42 $FnMacro = fn (A) A + 1 fnfun = fn (A) fn (B) B * A @public run = fn () io.format("erlang constant ~p, macro ~p, fun ~p~n", [ $ERLNUM, $ERLMACRO(1), erlfun(2)(3)]) io.format("efene constant ~p, macro ~p, fun ~p~n", [ $FnNum, $FnMacro(1), fnfun(2)(3)])
@public run = fn () L = $[lists.seq(1000, 1010)] io.format("~p~n", [L])
-module(moremeta). -export([run/0]). run() -> L = [1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1010], io:format("~p~n", [L]).
>>> [|A + 1|] (op, 1, '+', (var, 1, 'A'), (integer, 1, 1)) >>> ast.line(15, [|A + 1|]) (op, 15, '+', (var, 15, 'A'), (integer, 15, 1)) >>> A = [|1|] (integer, 1, 1) >>> B = [|2|] (integer, 1, 2) >>> Add = [|$(A) + $(B)|] (op, 1, '+', (integer, 1, 1), (integer, 1, 2))
support for records, @spec and @type annotations
all implemented as libraries (except record access and manipulation)
import is a library too and can be extended to import other file types
function calls in if expressions
operator like python/js
and or xor not
for non short circuit versions: andd orr
+ - * / %
== === <= >= < > != !==
efene should be to erlang what coffeescript is to javascript
an alternative
different syntax, same semantics
integrate well with existing tools
generate readable erlang code (if requested)
zero friction to mix erlang/efene
a place to try new ideas faster
a language that plays nice with the web
a welcoming place for newbies
a place where experimenting is OK
finish porting tests to etap
more user friendliness
better error messages
better tools
try efene
join the mailing list
report issues
submit improvements
spread the word
read/correct/improve the docs
write blog posts/tutorials
write or improve tools
syntax highlighters
rebar integration
text editor integration
fnc -t lex
fnc -t tree
fnc -t ast
fnc -t mod
compile (compile:forms)
fnc -t beam
git clone cd efene ./
compile the fnc binary
cd tools
rebar get-deps
rebar compile
$ bin/fnc -s
>>> io.format("Hello world!~n") Hello world! ok >>>
@public run = fn () { io.format("Hello World!~n") }
$ fnc hello.fn Compiling hello.fn
$ fnc -r hello run Hello World!
$ fnc -t erl hello.fn
-module(hello). -export([run/0]). run() -> io:format("Hello World!~n").
$ mkdir myapp $ cd myapp $ wget; chmod u+x rebar
{deps, [ {efene, ".*", {git, "git://", "master"} }, {rebar_efene_plugin, ".*", {git, "git://", "stable"} } ]}. {plugins, [ rebar_efene_plugin ]}. {plugin_dir, "deps/rebar_efene_plugin/src"}.
{application, myapp, [ {description, "My first app ever"}, {vsn, "0.0.1"} ]}.
$ rebar get-deps $ rebar compile