Using riak_core has until recently not been for the faint of heart. Dependency issues due to a somewhat deep dependency graph has made it more painful than it ought to be. In this talk we will look at how to deal with such a dependency problem using xref and Columbo, the dependency detective tool. We will also visit how the changes makes using riak_core in your own application a breeze.
Torben Hoffman has been working with Erlang since 2006. Currently as Chief Architect for Basho, previously as CTO of Erlang Solutions and before that as technical architect and developer for Motorola and Issuu. By day he is an Erlang priest, by night an Elixir alchemist. He is devoted to protocols as the way of describing and developing non-trivial software. He has worked extensively with process improvement and people management at Motorola before going back to his engineering roots. GitHub: