Michal Slaski
Senior Erlang consultant and software architect
Erlang Solutions Ltd

A Senior Software Consultant at Erlang Solutions, Michal
Slaski started programming in Erlang on the AGH University of Science
and Technology in Krakow, Poland, when working on his Masters
prototyping massively multiplayer online games. After graduating, he
joined Erlang Solutions on key projects around the world.
He is currently heading Erlang Solutions's new Krakow
office in Poland, keeping the Erlang flag up high.

Michal Slaski is Teaching the Following Courses
Target Audience: This course is aimed at experienced Erlang Software Developers and Designers who need to understand Behaviours.
Prerequisites: Existing experience using Sequential and Concurrent Programming with Erlang on projects.
• Use existing Design Patterns supported by Erlang and OTP.
• Apply Generic Behaviours, Finite State Machines and Event handler Patterns.
• Use the Supervisor and Applicaton Behaviours Patterns.
• Write your own Design Patterns.
• Structure large Erlang based systems.
Goal: Design fault-tolerant systems.
Duration: Three days.
Registration: 08:30 on 7th June 2010.
Venue: London Fruit & Wool Exchange.
Description: You will learn the prevailing Erlang Design Patterns called OTP Behaviours. We will cover Erlang Design Patterns such as Generic Behaviours, Finite State Machines and Event Handlers. You will also learn how to develop systems using the Supervisor and Application Behaviours Patterns, so you can construct maintainable and fault tolerant software. Upon completion of this course, you will be able to extend it all, by devising your very own Behaviours.
Prerequisites: Existing experience using Sequential and Concurrent Programming with Erlang on projects.
• Use existing Design Patterns supported by Erlang and OTP.
• Apply Generic Behaviours, Finite State Machines and Event handler Patterns.
• Use the Supervisor and Applicaton Behaviours Patterns.
• Write your own Design Patterns.
• Structure large Erlang based systems.
Goal: Design fault-tolerant systems.
Duration: Three days.
Registration: 08:30 on 7th June 2010.
Venue: London Fruit & Wool Exchange.
Description: You will learn the prevailing Erlang Design Patterns called OTP Behaviours. We will cover Erlang Design Patterns such as Generic Behaviours, Finite State Machines and Event Handlers. You will also learn how to develop systems using the Supervisor and Application Behaviours Patterns, so you can construct maintainable and fault tolerant software. Upon completion of this course, you will be able to extend it all, by devising your very own Behaviours.
Michal Slaski is Host to the Following Tracks
Perhaps your use of Erlang has made you curious about other functional
programming languages? Perhaps you are faced with having to understand
and interface with other languages in your work? Or perhaps you just
want to learn something new? This track lets you widen your horizons
and delve into things non-Erlang.