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Nicolae Paladi
Erlang aficionado
Gothenburg IT University

Nicolae Paladi is a graduate of Gothenburg IT University, majoring in Software Engineering and Management. He first encountered Erlang in 2007 and continued working with it ever since. His interests include, but are not limited to functional programming languages, software verification as well as free and open source software. He currently works as software tester at Kreditor AB, Sweden.

Nicolae Paladi is Giving the Following Talks
Model Based Testing of Data Constraints: Testing the Business Logic of a Mnesia Database Application with Quviq QuickCheck

Correct implementation of data constraints like referential integrity constraints and business rules is an essential precondition to ensure data consistency. Though most modern commercial DBMSs support data constraints ensurance mechanisms, constraints are often implemented in the business logic of the applications. This is especially true for non relational DBMS like Mnesia which do not provide constraints enforcement mechanisms. This case study examines a database application which uses Mnesia as data storage in order to determine, express and test the data constraints with Quviq QuickCheck and model-based testing approach.