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Rickard Cardell
Klarna AB

Rickard is doing a Master's thesis at Kreditor, where he evaluates two different database managers, Tokyo Cabinet and CouchDB, for possible use as a backend for Mnesia. He got his first experience with Erlang during a course in Distributed Systems at Uppsala University.

Rickard Cardell is Giving the Following Talks
Tokyo Cabinet and CouchDB with Mnesia

Couch DB and Tokyo Cabinet are two very interesting database managers. CouchDB is famous for its robustness, its simple document storage model, and its RESTful interface, and also for the fact that it is written in Erlang. TokyoCabinet, on the other hand, is written in C, is blazingly fast, and an interface to Mnesia already exists (tcerl via mnesiaex).

In this talk I will discuss  how I used Mnesia as a frontend to these database managers and the problems I encountered while integrating it with a legacy Erlang system based on Mnesia. I will also present the results of some transaction benchmarks, and discuss some interesting features of CouchDB and TokyoCabinet.