Geoff Cant
Erlang hacker at Electronic Arts
Electronic Arts

Geoff Cant is an Erlang Hacker from New Zealand with both too much (Enet) and too little (Enet) spare time on his hands. Prior to working on game data applications at Electronic Arts, he has worked on ejabberd for Process One in Paris and SMS gateways for Catalyst in Wellington. His first Erlang system still sails around the south pacific.
- Follow @Archaelus on Twitter
- Geoff on Github

Geoff Cant is Giving the Following Talks
Enet: TCP/IP in Pure(ish) Erlang
Erlang Factory SFBay 2010 - Geoff Cant - Enet: TCP/IP in Pure(ish) Erlang from Erlang Solutions on Vimeo.
Erlang is great for implementing network protocols, so let's write a TCPIP stack top to bottom. The Enet library includes a port program for accessing an OS TAP device, a suite of protocol encoders and decoders and a network interface module that correctly responds to Ping.
This talk covers a simple port program, How the binary syntax saved my hard-drive, tcpdump in Erlang, grandiose ambition, and the highest ping times you've ever seen over a loopback adapter.
This talk covers a simple port program, How the binary syntax saved my hard-drive, tcpdump in Erlang, grandiose ambition, and the highest ping times you've ever seen over a loopback adapter.