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Ezra Zygmuntowicz
Engine Yard co-founder and Ruby guru
Engine Yard Inc.

Ezra Zygmuntowicz, is a lead contributor to the Merb framework and is a co-founder of, a scalable Rails hosting service. He is the author of the Rails Deployment book for the Pragmatic programmers and has contributed many open source Ruby and Rails related projects.

Ezra Zygmuntowicz is Giving the Following Talks
Keynote: You got your Erlang in my Ruby

With functional style, message passing concurrency primitives baked in and the power of OTP for building fault tolerant applications, Erlang is the best in breed programming environment for making horizontally scalable network servers. With a clean object model and beautiful, concise syntax, Ruby is one of the most productive and expressive dynamic languages available right now. Both of these platforms have great strengthsand weaknesses. Erlang syntax is bizaar for most programmers and String and IO handling are fairly primitive. Ruby has some scalability limits like 1024 open sockets or file descriptors and no true concurrency, only green threads. In this talk we will explore a melding of the two called Nanite. Nanite is a framework where you write 'agents' in Ruby and use RabbitMQ (Erlang) as a messaging bus/hub. We can exploit the power of Erlang's message passing and scalability to distribute the work our to Ruby 'Nanites' that implement functionality. This ends up looking like an exploded Erlang VM where the actors are implemented as Ruby processes with Erlangin the middle holding everything together. With this powerful combination we get to play to the strengths of each language to build a hive mind of interconnected processing power.